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  • Accreditation Results of the Japan University Accreditation Association

Accreditation Results of the Japan University Accreditation Association

As a professional graduate school, the School of International and Public Policy undergoes accreditation every five years. We're delighted that our recent accreditation evaluation by the Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA) positively recognized our ongoing efforts.

APPP is proud to highlight the following key characteristics:

1. We prioritize student support and offer personalized education

2. Our program is conducted in English and welcomes students from all over Asia

3. Regular Town Hall Meetings ensure that we actively address student needs

4. Strong partnerships with external organizations such as the IMF and ADB to attract top Asian talent

5. We have English-speaking staff to support international students

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For further details, please visit the JUAA website

  • Hitotsubashi University
  • School of International and Public Policy